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Quoting freelance jonbs freaks me out.

How much should I charge?

Am I overcharging?

Am I selling myself short?

How do I know?

Worry no more.

This simple and easy freelance job rate calculator is a plug-in template designed for haircut professionls to quickly, easily and accurately calculate any job, big or small in a jiffy.

Always get it right.

Always treat customers properly without shortchanging yourself.

This is a simple tool that you will use every week to caluclate and book jobs and opportunities.

Never miss out on a gig because you priced it wrong.

Never work for less than you are worth.

Never overcharge by not being sure.

Use this tool over and over again.


Buy this tool here or get this tool for FREE in the resource library of my online $100,000 Haircutter Academy.

it is just another powerful benefit of participation.


Freelance Job Rate Calculator Template

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