Magazines are all but gone.
Traditional bound look books are random and quickly dated.
The modern look book is a second, secret Instagram account.
Load it with haircut images.
Use images of your clients.
Use regrammed images that interest you.
Use images of looks you want to be creating.
Use images that inspire you and will inspire your clients.
Deliberately seek variety.
Show neckline variations for men’s cuts… tapered, blocked, rounded, etc.
A picture is worth 1,000 words.
Clients do not speak our language.
Have images of fringe choices. Heavy bangs, wispy bangs, baby bangs, side-swept bangs, etc.
Use this IG as a consultation tool.
Allow clients to swipe through looking for that spark to motivate a decision.
Keep the account fresh. Add and delete images every 90 days or so.
Limit the account to about 100 images… 3 wide X 33 deep is plenty to share ideas.
This is not to be thought of like an ordinary IG account. You can lock it. There is no need for followers. No need for hashtags.
Use comments and descriptions to point out key ideas to clients as they look.
“This is a great look for thin and fine hair.”
“This look does not work well on curlier textures.”
These are examples of steering comments you might use.
You can use this account as a place to follow hair related accounts that inspire you that might otherwise clog your personal feed.
