Hello all.
I need to cancel classes for today, Thurs. 5.7.20 and tomorrow, Friday, 5.8.20.
My voice needs a rest. I need to be quiet for a few days. I will be back on Monday 5.11.20 with a full schedule and new classes for all of you.
I appreciate your understanding and apologize for the short notice.
This has been a LOT of talking over a short time. It has taken a toll. It has been many years since I had a voice issue like this and I know it will pass quickly if I can be quiet for a few days. I am sure you can imagine... quiet is NOT easy or natural for me.
In the mean time... go HERE. Visit my youtube channel. I have hundreds of videos here for you to enjoy... or... Just go for a walk in the park.
See you Monday.

Take care, relax this weekend and keep your mouth shut! 🤫
Thanks for all the classes