Welcome to another daily haircutter success challenge.
Today is another youtube challenge.
This time it is the ivan zoot clipperguy youtube channel.
Go to the channel at the link below.
Watch some video.
Learn some stuff.
Share a link to a video that you found interesting, funny, informative, etc.
The challenge is...
The video must be from before 2010... You have got to go back at least 10 years.
I have a LOT of video that is that old.
I look younger.
But most of the info is still relevant.
Find a video from before 2010 not on my channel but on the andis channel... back when I was posting on their corporate channel.
HINT - When looking at the channel go to the "sort by" button and sort by "Oldest to newest".
Have fun.
Post your video link as a comment.
Note - The pic w the post is from 1989.
First time I have heard of porcupine fluff! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weOdR5tw-_U